Personal Space Surgery

What is Personal Space & What is the concept of #PersonalSpaceSurgery?
The Ano-Uro-Genital Space is a compact, confined & complex space with various organ, as shown above in the shaded area, is the Personal Space, as addressed here.
#PersonalSpaceSurgery is a personalized approach for diseases involving the Personal Spaces – The Ano-Rectal Region, the Urinary System & the Genital System.
The disease processes, the symptoms involving any of the individual organ system show significant overlap with other systems structurally and/or functionally. The treatment modalities for any of the system involve affection of adjacent organ systems. Its thus best, to not see each organ system in isolation, but rather as a continuum.
Under this approach the minutest details pertaining to the patient, the disease & the treatment are reviewed, curated & perfected for best results. The treatment protocols are evidence-based, technology-driven with patient comfort at highest priority.

What diseases are managed by #Personal Space Surgery approach?
Here we would be discussing Benign Conditions involving the Ano-Rectal Region.
Hemorrhoids: Internal & External
Fistula-in-ano & Ano-rectal Sepsis: Simple & Complex, High & Low Variety
Fissure: Acute & Chronic
Rectal Prolapse: Partial, Complete & Recurrent
Pilonidal Sinus
Obstructed Defecation Syndrome
Anal-Rectal Pain Syndromes
More often than not, the treatment of these diseases tends to generate apparent embarrassment, apprehension & fear. #PersonalSpaceSurgery is a novel approach keeping these very issues at the centre of the treatment in the most patient-friendly & result-oriented manner.
The Team
Would I be seen by all the Doctors?
No, Only the relevant specialities would get involved in your care. For the above listed diseases, you would be seen by Dr Vishal Soni, who specializes in Colo-Rectal Surgery. The approach mentioned here shows a ready Team that is trained to take care of all possible issues that you may have.
What is the need for such an approach?
These diseases have tremendous effect on functioning of the patient & Quality of Life.
There is strong tendency to self-medicate, delay medical advice, tendency to gather unverified information from internet & anecdotes from social circles & perpetuation of shame-guilt-judgemental behaviour complex.
An “exhausting” disease experience for patient as well as the Doctor.
There is a paucity of bail-out options & re-intervention if things go haywire.
Therefore a Team Approach!
How does this exactly work, is #PSS a new Surgery?
It comprises of an in-depth analysis addressing all patient concerns, scope of non-operative management, proactive pain management, detailed discussions on possible outcomes & impact on Quality of Life & functioning, anticipated complications & events with preventive strategies.
It isn't a new Surgery but it ensures selection of the Optimum Surgical Solution. We consider it unwise to promote or endorse a single technique for all patients. We work hard on advising a tailored individual approach guided by different variables & best achievable outcomes.
We perform all types of Surgeries using Laparoscopy, Endoscopic-Video Assisted, LASER, Stapler Surgery etc.
What can be the anticipated benefits?
Evaluation of the disease with a broader perspective by a primed Team.
Early involvement of the concerned Speciality – from decision planning to surgery & follow up
Elimination of apprehension & Enhancement of trust in the treating Surgeon & the team.
Encouragement of 2nd opinion.
Essentially a futuristic approach.
Would I be charged more?
No! The surgery is charged as routine. If any other speciality is included in your care, you would be billed accordingly.
If you have been diagnosed with any of the above conditions or have been advised surgery, schedule an OPD appointment with Dr Vishal Soni @ Zydus Hospitals, Ahmedabad, Gujarat.