1. Are Hemorrhoidal vessels normally seen?
Yes, there are a bunch of normal vessels present at the Ano-rectal Junction. They contribute to better control (Continence) of Stool. Only when one suffers from #Constipation & Straining at stool for a long duration these small vessels enlarge & stretch to become Hemorrhoids.
2. Can i avoid Hemorrhoid Surgery?
As a matter of fact only about 5% patients with Hemorrhoids need Surgery. For a single bleeding/prolapsed Internal hemorrhoid there are pain-free Office procedures like Rubber Band Ligation (#RBL) before a major surgery is adviced.
3. Is #Ayurvedic & #Homeopathic Treatment worth trying?
Any Practitioner who can do complete examination, do a Per-Rectal Check-up, Advice regarding need for Sigmoidoscopy or Colonoscopy, Can Diagnose Inflammatory Bowel Disease, understands the Anatomy, Patho-Physiology & knows how to manage complications can be consulted.
4. Is Per-Rectal examination a must?
100%. Its would be highly inappropriate to prescribe any treatment unless an examination has been done. If there is a co-existent condition like an Anal #Fissure then the examination can be carried out in few days, but complete examination is a must!
5. Is #Laser the best modality?
I see patients with very high infatuation with #LASER, in part due to marketing by the Manufacturing companies and also the practitioners who purchase them. The fact that its NOT a new/latest technology isn’t discussed. Also, use of LASER not a completely pain-free modality. The option is good in selected patients and should be discussed with the Surgeon instead of demanding it. Ultimately #LASER is an energy source and many more such sources & other latest techniques like DG-HAL etc exist.
6. Is #Stapler Surgery the best?

Stapler Hemorrhoidopexy works by excision & stapling of a segment of the layer that holds hemorrhoidal vessels using a disposable Stapling Device. It works great in patients with Grade 3 Internal Hemorrhoids with or without External Components. However, its use cant be recommended as universal for all the patients. We developed a concept of Personal Space Surgery precisely to answer the question about the best treatment option for you.
7. What happens if I don’t opt for Surgery, when I have been adviced?
The possible complications of Hemorrhoids can be Severe Bleeding & #Anemia, #Ulcerations, #Thrombosis of Hemorrhoids, Pain while passing stool & progressive swelling. The larger the hemorrhoids, extensive the surgery gets. Also the healing & recovery time also get subsequently influenced.
8. After Surgery what can I eat?
Depends on what Surgery has been done, but ultimately all our patients resume normal diet after the healing process completes.
9. Is there a chance that I will lose my stool control (#Continence) permanently after Surgery?
We ensure that when we operate, the Sphincter function is well preserved & such events are avoided at all costs.
10. Can #Hemorrhoids recur?
Yes, as these arise from normal veins that get distended & stretched, if the causes of constipation & straining are not addressed the hemorrhoids may recur. The chances are about 2-5%
If you suffer from symptoms suggestive of Hemorrhoids or have been adviced a Surgery, consult Dr Vishal Soni for expert opinion & for possibility of medical management.
OPD services at Zydus Hospitals, Ahmedabad, Gujarat or through Tele-Consultation.