1. Can my #Hernia kill me?
Yes. A blunt & honest statement is that any untreated hernia can turn out to be a potentially lethal disease & can result in mortality.
2. Do all Hernia need #Surgery?
Eventually, Yes. However small mid-line abdominal hernia, direct inguinal hernia can be observed till they start giving trouble. This needs to be evaluated & opined by a Surgeon keeping in mind risks & benefits involved.
3. Is #Mesh necessary or can I avoid it?
Mesh is a Synthetic material that is used to reinforce the muscles and is central to any Hernia repair. However, there are Non-Mesh repairs ( #Desarada & #Shouldice Repair) but they have increased chances of failure & thus recurrence of Hernia. Its best to discuss this with your Surgeon.
4. Is #Laparoscopic Surgery always better than Open Surgery?
If the Hernia is amenable to both approaches, Laparoscopic Meshplasty has a distinct advantage. However there are cases where Laparoscopic Meshplasty is not feasible (Large Hernia, Intra abdominal issues) or the patient is not fit for General Anaesthesia. Here, Open surgery can give great & safe results.
5. Can I get both Left & Right #Inguinal Hernia Operated Together?
Yes, Infact if there is evidence of hernia occurring bilaterally, we recommend getting both sides operated together . This holds true more so in Laparoscopic Surgery Approach where the ports (entry points for instruments) remain common for both sides.
6. Is it advisable to get #Umbilical & Inguinal Hernia Operated together?
Yes, Often patients have weakness of entire lower abdomen with resultant more than one Hernia. Its usual to use Mesh in Inguinal Region & a Suture Repair of Umbilical hernia, specially if its small. Else a Mesh at both or all 3 places may be used.
7. Can I undergo Laparoscopic #Cholecystectomy & Inguinal / Umbilical #Meshplasty?
One “may” choose this option, with small caution. The bile/Gallstones in Gall bladder, if harbouring bacteria, can infect the mesh & cause severe complications. Its not unusual to plan both surgeries together, whereby the Gall bladder is attended first & depending on the situation the Surgeon may or may not proceed with Hernia Repair.
8. Is Laparoscopic #Fundoplication with Umbilical/Inguinal Meshplasty Safe?
Again, the answer is Yes. But only if the Fundoplication goes smooth & unevetful. So the decision is best left to the operating surgeon.
9. Can I #exercise/swim after Hernia Surgery?
The recommended schedule is that of gradual increment in intensity.
Routine walks in 2 days.
Walking > 30 mins in about 7 days.
Fast walking in 14 days.
Swim in 4 weeks
Cycling & Weights after 6 weeks.
Heavy Intensity work-outs, contact sports etc after 3 months.
10. Can Hernia Recur?
Rarely, Yes. The Mesh that’s place needs to be held by the body in place. This process of healing & fibrosis takes time & has its own course. Any interruptions or adverse events can hamper the same with resultant recurrence. The usual recurrence rates are about 1% or less.
If you are suffering from Hernia, have any such symptoms or have been advised Surgery for Hernia, kindly consult Expert Laparoscopic Hernia Surgeon Dr Vishal Soni OPD @ Zydus Hospitals, Ahmedabad, Gujarat for an Opinion, alternatively schedule a Tele-Consultation from the Home Page.