The current #Covid19 pandemic has necessitated restriction in movements, preventing easy interactions between doctors & patients. However, availability of communication modalities & technological adoptions by the Healthcare professionals have opened doors to allow continued communications & #healthcare using #Tele-medicine.
Tele-medicine is a 2-way interface using conventional (Tele-phone) and modern (Internet-based) channels including Audio, Image & Video. Although it won’t replace the physical interaction, but it does come close to the real-world experience.
Important points to be remembered while getting a Tele-consultation
1. Connect with your regular/known doctor.
2. Not for Emergencies, call an ambulance for that.
3. Usual duration is 15mins, gracefully accept the time-bound interaction.
4. Keep a list of questions, concerns & queries ready, preferably written on a paper.
5. Ask clear & short questions.
6. Send previous reports well in advance.
7. Expect Blood tests, Radiological investigations, get them done at the network suggested by the doctor, as that would ease the flow of information.
8. Accept a follow up interaction to close the case.
9. If symptoms worsen/ don’t improve as planned, do see a Doctor in person.
10. Online consultations are a guide to further steps rather than a modality to reach definitive diagnosis in one go.
For scheduling a Tele-Consultation kindly visit the Home Page.