Services Offered:
Minimally Invasive (Robotic & Laparoscopic), Endoscopic & Conventional Surgeries

We offer state-of-art, advanced & painless Robotic & Laparoscopic solutions for majority of Abdominal conditions and various types of Hernia.
Robotic Surgery & Laparoscopy are minimally invasive surgery techniques performed through tiny incisions and surgery is completed using high definition camera system and small slender instruments.
Hernia & Abdominal Wall Reconstruction Services
Types of commonly encountered Hernia
Umbilical Hernia
Inguinal Hernia (Direct, Indirect & Congenital)
Femoral Hernia
Obturator Hernia
Recurrent Hernia
Incisional Hernia
Lumbar Hernia
Spigelian Hernia
Internal Hernia

Treatment for Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome

Treatment for Diseases of Gastro-Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
Surgical treatment for
refractory GERD.
Robotic & Laparoscopic Surgery
Fundoplication +/- Crural Repair
Meshplasty & Esophageal lengthening in rare situations.

Treatment for Diseases of Gastro-Intestinal Tract:
The Stomach, the Small, the Large Intestines & the Appendix
Surgical & Non Surgical treatment options for various diseases of the Gastro - Intestinal Tract
Benign & Malignant (Cancer) Conditions
Treatment for Acute Appendicitis
Treatment in Emergency situations like Bowel Obstruction, Perforation, Gangrene, Volvulus etc

Treatment for Diseases of Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary System:
The Liver, The Gall Bladder & The Pancreas
Treatment of
Gall Stones (Cholelithiasis) & Common Bile Duct Stones (Choledocholothiasis)
Acute Calculous Cholecystitis
Empyema Gall Bladder & Gall bladder Perforation
Chronic Calculous Cholecystitis
Other Complicated Gall Bladder conditions like Xanthogranulomatous Cholecystitis, Cholecysto-Enteric Fistula, Gall Stone Ileus etc
Amoebic Liver Abscess, Hydatid Disease of Liver, Liver Cysts

Treatment for Diseases Rectum & the Anal Canal
Anal Fissure is one of the commonest conditions faced by patients, specially the ones suffering from constipation. Straining at stool & passage of hard stool causes trauma in the Anal canal resulting in a "tear" and spasm of the sphincter muscles. This causes tremendous pain & occasionally bleeding.
A Fissure is usually managed medically & with dietary-lifestyle changes. Medicines, Injections, Lasers & Surgery can all be used to treat this condition with permanent results.
Hemorrhoids are one of the commonest cause of painless bleeding while passing stool. Occasionally the bleeding can be severe resulting in Anaemia and necessitating blood transfusions.
This condition can be very successfully managed with various techniques including Injection Sclerotherapy, Rubber Band Ligation, Laser Ablation, Conventional Hemorrhoidectomy & Stapler Hemorrhoidectomy, which is a painless Surgery with no need of wound care.
Fistula-in-ano is a very common condition seen & treated in our department. The disease spectrum encompassing conditions like simple fistula to complex Abscess with Levator Ani involvement.
The treatment focuses on treating the "source" of the infection, the track through with it propagates & the abscess cavity along with infective tissues. Numerous techniques are put to use depending on the clinical scenarios & extent of the Fistula.
We are extremely careful with Pain management & put a high priority on the same. There is a Pain Management Specialist in the team.
Each patient is evaluated for Sphincter involvement & all our patients receive sphincter-saving or sphincter-reconstructing techniques. Our approach is elaborated further in our campaign #PersonalSpaceSurgery
Pilonidal Sinus Disease is a spectrum of conditions ranging from single sinus or multiple sinuses, Abscess or chronic non-healing wound.
The treatment needs precise planning & often flap surgeries for best results. We perform various procedures for this condition including Laser Treatments & Surgeries - Modified Bascoms Surgery with a success rate of about 98% in our series.
Accidents & Emergencies
Acute Surgical Care is provided for abdominal injuries resulting from
Road Traffic Accident
Fall from height
Stab Injury & other penetrating Injuries
Gun Shot Injury